Thomas Edison Did Not Invent The Light Bulb

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison mass produced the light bulb, but he did not invent it. Edison bought his way to success when the original inventors succumbed to low success rates and financial issues. In fact, there were many inventors that had a role to play in creating the light bulb that we have today. About 20 different inventors had previously drafted patents that would continuously improve the light bulb, and pass it on to the next like mind. One of those men was Englishman, Humphrey Davy. He began exploring burners with various materials and had attempted to create the lamp. Davy played a key role in figuring out how when an electric current ran through wires, that the resistance would cause the wires to heat up and give off light. Everyone that came after that, just improved his idea.
Joseph Swan
        Joseph Swan was the first person to successfully invent the incandescent light bulb in 1879. But the one down side to his version of the light bulb, was that it only burned for 13 and a half hours. Thomas Edison came along and improved the sprengel vacuum pump, which proved to be the catalyst which led to the success for the light bulb. Edison hired a team of inventors, and from there he invented the generator-components and developed distribution systems in order to get companies to distribute the light bulb at a massive scale. All though Thomas Edison was not the first inventor to come up with the light bulb, he improved it and made it easier to access. He saw an opportunity and he did what many men failed to do.
